Discover the best Fundraising Ideas for school fundraisers, church fund raising, youth sports fundraiser sales, and conducting non-profit charity event fund raisers. We help schools, churches, and non-profit groups raise more funds.
Walking M Farms offers Fundraising Ideas for School Fundraisers, Church Fundraising & Charity...
Have our Petting Zoo and Pony Rides at your fund raising event for a special low hourly rate. Have your volunteers sell pony rides and take pictures of the children on the ponies to sell. You can even put your organizations info on a frame card so you can promote your organization and raise money for it at the same time.
How about kissing a pig? The kiss-a-pig fundraiser is a simple, creative,tons of fun and easy way to earn extra dollars for your school, charity, or even. Click HERE for more details!
We want your fundraising campaigns to be successful; that is why we offer easy fundraising ideas with the finest profitable fundraising programs, excellent customer service and helpful fundraising tips.
We help you maximize your fundraising success with premier animal entertainment!