Church Services

Walking M Fams has offered wholesome family entertainment for hundreds of Churches, Temples and Religious Schools for more than 15 years, at a more than reasonable cost.
We're experienced in Community Outreach events, Holiday Celebrations and Fellowship.
Regardless of what you are celebrting, we can keep the kids in your congregation busy and happy.
Choose from a wide variety of entertaining and eduactional activities.
We even provide Halloween alternative programs that keep the kids safe and close to home.
Our Pumpkin Patch, Petting Zoo, Pony Rides, Pig Races, Horse-Drawn Wagon, Sleigh and Carriage rides and educational programs are a great way to celebrate any occasion.
Need more infomation or a Quote? Call us at 480-250-3014 or Email Us TODAY!
Fund Raisers, Festivals and Carnivals
Planning a fund raiser? We offer several ways to build the perfect event. We have package pricing and deal!
Passover and Purim Entertainment
Our entertainment packages can be customised to meet your special requirements during Passover.
We offer discount package pricing for your Purim Carnival or Chanukah Carnival.
Pumpkin Patch & Petting Zoo
Celebrate the fall season with our Pumpkin Patch Express. We bring the field trip right to your front door!
We bring the Pumkin Patch and Petting Zoo to you. Every Child gets to pick their very own pumpkin and a great alternative to Halloween or Trick or Treating.
Vacation Bible School
We have tons of fun, safe and age appropriate activities available for all ages of youth. Check out our "educational program" page! Our "Animals of Bethlehem Petting Zoo" is perfect!
Living Nativity Animals
Our "Living Nativity" provides you with live animals for your Christmas Pageant, Easter Pageant or display.
They can be led or held by the Shepherds or kept in a pen.
The Animals of Bethlehem
"The Animals of Bethlehem" is a visit from our petting zoo that incorporates animals that were historically kept at homes and farms on that first Christmas.
Available for Vacation Bible School too.
Easter Entertainment
Enjoy a visit from our "Spring Babies" petting zoo.
You see lots of new faces on Easter Sunday. A Petting Zoo and other activities you plan before or after services will keep familes around longer for fellowship and community building.
Engaging the kids with some extra fun gives you more opportunity to make real connections with the members you don't get to see every Sunday.
We offer package discounts when you add Pony Rides!
Remember to book early, Easter Weekend books up fast!
Mother's Day Fun
Celebrate Mother's Day at your Church, Temple or Mosque with a Mother's Day Petting Zoo. We bring mommies and their spring babies that were born or hatched on our farm.
Fellowship and Youth Group Activities
We offer a Animal Entertainment Activities, perfect for your Church and Youth Group! Check out our The Animals of Bethlehem petting zoo and pony rides!
Need more infomation or a Quote? Call us at 480-250-3014 or use the "Contact Us" page!